Monday, September 30, 2019

Power of Mind

â€Å"The power of the mind† The Human Mind is a very unique gift Heavenly Father has given us. It is the most powerful and precious gift ever given to any living thing that have ever walked and that will yet to walk the earth in the years ahead. The mind alone stands out from anything. It has the power to make the invisible visible and the undoable doable. 100 years back, human kind would never believed nor willing to entertain the idea of traveling from one country to another using the sky as the highway.Fortunately the Wright Brothers envisioned and perceived in their minds the idea of people traveling by air using a different form of transportation known to us today as aeroplanes. The power of their minds made it possible for them to make their idea a reality which of course has contributed so much to the betterment of the lives of people living in their times onwards to this very day. We are very blessed to have minds given to us by our creator to enable us to think and d o the things that our minds are capable of doing.There is no limit to how much we can do when we use our minds to their fullest capacity to make big dreams that seem to be unreachable come to reality. One of the problems that prevents human kind to excel and do extremely well in life is the lack of understanding of the power and capability of their minds. To ensure one does extremely well in life, it is very imperative that there is clear understanding of how mind functions. The mind somehow is very powerful. Whatever accomplishments and achievements some people have made in life were all initiated in the minds as thoughts and ideas.These thoughts and ideas will only come to reality if we allow our minds to entertain such thoughts and ideas for the purpose of achieving positive results that will contribute to the improving of our lives. The mind is just like a plot of land where it does not care what type of plant you plant on. The mind is divided into two parts one is known as the conscious mind and the other is the unconscious mind. The conscious mind’s function is to gather information and ideas. It does not care what comes in and out.However, once we know exactly what to do to allow our conscious minds to gather and process only ideas that will provide countless benefits and advantages to our lives, we will be well on our way to a successful future. The conscious mind picks up ideas and turns them into meaningful ones which then goes to the next phase of the mind known as the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind somehow is the part of our brains that controls ideas and process them in such a way that these ideas and thoughts turn into energy or vibrations connecting to the rest of our body.These vibrations are too strong that they will always force us to perform tasks that will lead to the accomplishment or achievement of the thoughts and ideas we initially conceived in our minds. Mostly what we have in our subconscious minds become our habits. They become paradigms that control every movement and actions we do in our lives. The conscious mind will work day and night to solidify the thoughts and ideas we once have and recognise them as sound ideas and thoughts that we accept as part of our daily living.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Racism and Anti-Semitism

Racism and Anti-Semitism: Is it still A Problem in the United States? Melody D. Rahimi Logic Dr. Fail November 19, 2011 Racism and Anti-Semitism: Is it still A Problem in the United States? Racism and Anti-Semitism is an old debate. Although, most everyone thinks racism is objectionable, which ranges from cognitive, economic, or moral. Racism is the belief that human beings can be divided into races and that members of some races are inferior to members of other races. (Null, 2011). Anti-Semitism is prejudice against Jews. Racism and anti-Semitism is complex and still is a problem in the United States. Argument There are still racism and anti-Semitism crimes in the United States. In 2010, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,725 single-bias hate crime offenses were racially motivated. (Hate Crime, 2010). Of these offenses 69. 8 percent were motivated by anti-black bias. 18. 2 percent stemmed from anti-white bias. 5. 7 percent were a result of bias against groups of individuals consisting of more than one race (anti-multiple races, group. 5. 1 percent resulted from anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias. 1. 2 percent were motivated by anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias. The Anti-Defamation League's annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents recorded 1,239 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States in 2010, which represents a 2. 3% increase over 2009. These included 22 physical assaults on Jewish individuals (down from 29 in 2009). There were 900 cases of anti-Semitic harassment, threats and events (up from 760 in 2009). Lastly, there were 317 cases of anti-Semitic vandalism (down from 422 in 2009). (Anti-Semitism, 2010). These statics show a slight increase in incidents and that racism and anti-Semitism still exists in the United States. There is till problem in the United States with racism and anti-Semitism. Racism and Anti-Semitism has existed throughout history. Racism is defined as hatred towards another – the belief that the other person is less human – because of language, place of birth, skin color, or customs. Racism has influenced every aspect of culture from wars, slavery, and nations. The United States power towards non-Am ericans has had a significant impact on history than any other form of racism. The first example of America is slavery. Slavery happened because the racist believed that Black Americans were less human than whites. The anger toward the Jews dates to the beginning of Jewish history. Christianity increased the hatred of the Jew. While America is caught up in racial uproar, the Middle East is center for the most anti-Semitism. (Hate Crime, 2010). Most Jewish Americans are moderate to liberal in their political affiliations. They are strong supporters of civil liberties and support clear separation of church and state, perhaps recalling their ancestors’ persecutions at the hands of religious authorities. The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913 to combat anti-Semitism, continues to monitor and report anti-Semitic incidents in the United States. It also supports civil liberties and a pro-Israeli foreign policy. (Anti-Semitism, 2010). Knowing the history of racism and anti-Semitism allows us to see that the problem has not been resolved over time. There is still a problem in the United States. There is a deductive argument for racism. Racism is a problem (P is S). Problem is unresolved (S is I). Therefore, racism is unresolved. (P is I). Then the inductive argument for racism is n 2010, of the 6,624 single bias incidents. There were 47. 3 percent were motivated by a racial bias (P). In 2009, Of the 6,598 single-bias incidents, 48. percent were motivated by a racial bias (P). In 2008, of the 7,780 single-bias incidents revealed that 51. 3 percent were motivated by a racial bias, (P). In 2011, of the single bias incidents, at least forty five percent will be motivated by racial bias. There is a deductive argument for Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a problem. (P is S). Problem is unresolved (S is I). Therefore, Anti-Semitism is unresolved. (P is I). Then the inductive argument for anti-Semitism is in 2010, 1,239 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States (P). In 2009, there were 1,211 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States (P). In 2008, there were 1,352 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States (P). In 2011, of the anti-Semitic incidents across the United States, there will be 1,200. Of the agreements presented, there is still a problem with racism and anti-Semitism in the United States. Counter-Thesis and Counter-Argument However, there are other thoughts on racism and anti-Semitism. The counter thesis or argument would be that racism and anti-Semitism is not a problem in the United States today. One might say this is a moral argument. According to Mossler, â€Å"Moral arguments are different from other kinds of arguments. The main difference is this behind every conclusion about what â€Å"should† be done, ethically speaking, there is a value or values. Also, the values that underlie our moral arguments can typically be boiled down to three main kinds this problem would be considered values that relate to freedom (justice, respect, rights, equality, and so on). † (Mossler, 2010). Response to Counter-Thesis The response to the counter-thesis is although it is a moral argument, the deductive and inductive arguments premises and conclusions state that there is still a problem with racism and anti-Semitism in the United States. Therefore, there is still a problem in the United States. â€Å"Social theorists dispute whether, in its essence, racism is a belief or an ideology of racial inferiority, a system of social oppression on the basis of race, a form of discourse, discriminatory conduct, or an attitude of contempt or heartlessness (and its expression in individual or collective behavior). † (Racism, 1999). â€Å"Although virtually everyone thinks racism objectionable, people disagree over whether its central defect is cognitive (irrationality, prejudice), economic/prudential (inefficiency), or moral (unnecessary uffering, unequal treatment). † (Racism, 1999). Today one hears charges of unconscious, covert, institutional, paternalistic, benign, anti-racist, liberal, and even reverse racism. Racism is widely regarded as involving ignorance, irrationality, unreasonableness, injustice, and other intellectual and moral vices, to such an extent that today virtually no one is willing to accept the classification of oneself, one’s beliefs, and so on, as racist, except in contexts of self-reproach. As a result, classifying anything as racist, beyond the most egregious cases, is a serious charge and is often hotly disputed. † (Racism, 1999). In conclusion, people vary in their opinions about racism and anti-Semitism. These topics are an old debate. Although, most everyone thinks racism is objectionable, which ranges from cognitive, economic, or moral. Racism and anti-Semitism is complex and still is a problem in the United States. After reading the statics and history, we can believe that racism and anti-Semitism is still a problem in the United States. We can testify that we have witnessed or seen racism or anti-Semitism in our life. References The Anti-Defamation League. (1913). Retrieved from http://www. adl. org/main_Anti_Semitism_Domestic/default. htm Anti-Semitism. (2010). In Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/sharpecw/anti_semitism Hate Crime. FBI. http://www. fbi. ov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2010/resources/hate-crime-2010-about-hate-crime (adapted from the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual,  © 2010) Mosser, K. (2011). An introduction to logic. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. (https://content. ashford. edu) Nunn, Kenneth B. â€Å"Anti-Semitism. † World Book Advanced. World Book, 2011. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. Nunn, Kenneth B. â€Å"Racism. † World Book Advanced. World Book, 2011. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. Racism. (1999). In The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/cupdphil/racism

Friday, September 27, 2019

Hitler's Table Talk Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hitler's Table Talk - Term Paper Example In the book, Hitler’s table talk, we find his thoughts brought out in his private conversations. Hitler was a man of many worlds as depicted by his varying thoughts. He talks about different aspects of life and brings out his personal opinion about such. Hitler addressed the mistakes of the monarchy system in Germany. He expressed his appreciation for social democracy, which abolished monarchies. He believed that the monarch system brought a great loss to the political, economical, and cultural setting of Germany. He argues that the Germans of that time should have condemned the injustice of the monarch system. In my opinion, he was not justified to criticize that system because he brought an economical collapse. He is also in history for the worst political system. One of the issues Hitler addresses is Christianity. Hitler has his own views about Christianity but this is justified as everyone has a right to hold opinion. When Hitler talks about Russia and the priest, he bring s about an issue of the hope Christianity brings to people. He believes that the priest only manages to convince Russia to reconciliation by promising him happiness in a foreign world. On another instance, Hitler claims that in every human being, there is a feeling of the existence of a supernatural being but the priests in society only exploit this feeling in people. They give these people threats that they will face punishment in the future. Hitler then elaborates that every individual needs a place to run to when there is danger implying that man should run to God for consolation. Hitler however does not take this as a reality in his world. Later in his thoughts, he also mentions that the church is irreplaceable. He claims that replacing the church would be terrifying but wisely notes that time would tell and honesty was fundamental. He however later points out that Christianity was the biggest blow that hit human race and believes that Christianity started the lie in religion. H e thought that Christianity established intolerance because of their belief in love. In my opinion, Hitler was not against Christianity but rather what Christians of that time thought and how they practiced their faith. He makes this clear to us in his October 14, conversation. He stated that Christians who preach love were the last people who practiced it. He acknowledges that each individual has a conviction from inside that there was a supernatural being and that included him. He was opposed to what the priests made of Christianity. Hitler does not agree to the fact Russia must consult the priest before making any major decision. He believes that this has caused Russia to lose its ability to think. During midday on October 14, he stated that the end of Christianity would not mean that the belief in God would fade. He describes the belief in God as a wonderful feeling. In another private conversation, he argues that Christianity encourages people to be poor, as the poor will go to heaven. The Church therefore takes advantage of this teaching to encourage people to give offerings. The leaders benefit from this teaching. He also indicated that Protestants and Catholics should not attack each other as they were doing. Therefore, Christians of Hitler’s time did not practice what they preached and this explains his opposition towards them. Hitler also addresses the issue of society making sure that equal opportunities are accessible to each

Too Big To Fail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Too Big To Fail - Essay Example In addition, these large financial firms control the backbone of the economy. Their failure would lead to a financial crisis that would affect members of the American society (Hughes and Mester 12). The concept of â€Å"Too Big to Fail† has two phases. The first phase is the positive effect that these large firms have on the economy. A large firm is very complex and organized, and as such, provides numerous economic opportunities to both the country and its citizens, such as employment, economies of scale, and better service delivery. On the other hand, it has a negative phase whereby their failure would bring down the economy to a standstill. For instance, all the small firms that depend on these big firms will also collapse, and their employees will be jobless. There would be no money flowing through the economy considering the economic crisis caused by the failure of these big firms. As such, the government takes necessary steps to eradicate these risks by supporting these big firms with a bailout whenever they are in crisis. However, they use taxpayers’ money, which is another burden to the country (Feldman and Stern 13). The Freeman newspaper article discussed the concept at one point in time whereby analysts argued over the inclusion of the concept in the banking sector. The introduction of the concept in 1984 to the economy of the United States and especially to the banking sector in the country emerged after the failure of the Continental Illinois. This failure led to a massive economic crunch in the country, and as such, the government took proactive steps to bail out the bank. By introducing the concept, the US government overlooked the reasons why the bank failed in the first place. As such, the concept only worsened the banking condition in the country, instead of the remedy it was to provide, as practitioners in the banking

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cover Letter & Resume Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cover Letter & Resume - Assignment Example Additionally, I have participated in exchange programs in the years 2012 and 2007 in Miami-Dade College and Delegate of Nanjing Foreign Language School in Nanjing respectively. This means that am capable of co-ordinating several clients and sponsors despite their language. To add on, I worked as a marketing representative at Chu’s Chinese Restaurant from September 2011 to September 2012. I was also a mathematics Tutor from September 2012toDecember 2012. I worked as a sales vice president at Jiangsu GPRO Group Company from 2009 to 2010. Lastly, I was a full time intern at Bank of China New York branch. With the above experience I am able to design and conduct surveys, make marketing plans, solve company’s problems, create sales plans, market new products and make translations to foreign languages. Since the above duties are the general functions of a human resource manager, it means that I am qualified for the job (Beatty, 2004, 35). I will be liable to the customer’s plans and marketing plans. I will be the general overseer of the company’s proceedings. Thus my experience makes it easy for me to be a Human Resource Manager at your

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Crosspost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Crosspost - Essay Example Importantly, Killeen and King (2007) observe that nurses should consider how to mitigate factors that could strain the mutual communication between the nurse and the client in an effort to achieve the intended goals. Such factors include age, sex, education and the sensory system of the client among others. King’s theory compares to Dr. Patricia Benner’s novice to expert theory. King postulates humans as open systems constantly interacting with the environment, a concept which Benner uses to argue that expert nurses would develop their patient care skills and understanding over time through interaction of education and experience (Treas & Wilkinson, 2014). Both theories appreciate continuous learning among nurses so as to attain the nursing objectives. However, while King argues that effective nurse-patient interaction would propagate the attainment of the desired nursing goals, Benner observes that education and experience would enable a nurse meet the intended objectives in the profession. Furthermore, it would be appreciated that while King’s goal attainment theory focused on human healthcare as the goal of nursing, Benner’s novice to expert theory focuses on becoming an expert. Killeen, M. B. & King, I. M. (2007). Viewpoint: Use of King’s conceptual system, nursing informatics, and nursing classification systems for global communication. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 18 (2), 51 – 57. doi:

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Corporate Governance at the Central of Seychelles Coursework

Corporate Governance at the Central of Seychelles - Coursework Example .............24 3.4. The conclusions about the research findings and how well it has met the project objectives and research questions............................................................................................26 3.5. Recommendations on specific courses of action on how improve corporate governance in the Bank.....................................................................................................................................27 List of References..........................................................................................29 Appendices.....................................................................................................33 Appendix I...............................................................................................................................33 Appendix II..............................................................................................................................35 PART B POWER POINT PRESENTATION 1. How well have the research questions been answered 2. How have interpersonal and communication skills been developed during the project work 3. How could undertaking of such projects help in one's accountancy studies and/or current employment role PART 1 - Project objectives and overall research approach 1. IntroductionSeychelles can be identified as a Middle Income Country (MIC) in Africa with the highest per capita income in the region estimated at US$ 8,960 in 2008 ( It is a service-based economy with the tourism, fisheries industry and offshore services. However, according to the Seychelles government statistics it has been faced with imbalances in macroeconomic indicators. Thus after implementing the IMF reform program of Seychelles... .....................................................................24 3.4. The conclusions about the research findings and how well it has met the project objectives and research questions............................................................................................26 3.5. Recommendations on specific courses of action on how improve corporate governance in the Bank.....................................................................................................................................27 Seychelles can be identified as a Middle Income Country (MIC) in Africa with the highest per capita income in the region estimated at US$ 8,960 in 2008 ( It is a service-based economy with the tourism, fisheries industry and offshore services. However, according to the Seychelles government statistics it has been faced with imbalances in macroeconomic indicators. Thus after implementing the IMF reform program of Seychelles in 2008 a lot of change has taken place in the Seychelles economy and such change is basically connected to the role of governance in the reform process. Especially, the government has targeted reform program in order to stabilize the macroeconomic factors and achieve sustainable growth in the country. In fact Seychelles is a good performer in relation with the governance.

Monday, September 23, 2019

CW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CW - Essay Example The management has adopted the digital marketing system in which customers can quickly and conveniently look at all goods available and decide on which ones to buy. The online service launched facilitates this by enabling customers make their orders online and the goods delivered at their door step. This has boosted their sales specifically during the winter seasons in which people cannot move to the shopping center. This, in as much as it boosts the sales, has had its challenge in the expenses incurred during the delivery of small purchases to remote areas. In a bid to control this, the management encourages large purchases by offering promotions such as price cuts on large purchases made. Westfield has further increased its retailers to 140 and having over 300,000 products as a means of providing a variety of products to their customers so as not to allow them seek for other products from their competitors. This has enabled customers to compare a variety of products with those of their competitors in terms of price. The free shipping and returns offers have encouraged customers to shop without fear of having to use undesired goods after their delivery. This has increased their market share in the highly competitive business world. This, however, has called for employment of more staff members and training the existing employees on digital marketing. Westfield has also established a means of getting consumer feedback and desires by coming up with a social site of you-tube and face-book. From a list of 1,450 applicants, they chose an insider whose job is mainly to promote talks about shopping, smart buys, modern trends in fashion and the available offers and lifestyle (Dick & Merrett 2007, 308-318). He also responds to the customer queries and gives them direction on where to find relevant goods. This has enabled Westfield reach even a larger population

Sunday, September 22, 2019

iTunes and the Future of Music Essay Example for Free

iTunes and the Future of Music Essay Through its iTunes, iPod, and proprietary music software, Apple dominates the legal music download industry. But with the iPod contributing half of all the firm’s revenues, Apple faces intensifying competition posed by imitators such as the joint venture between Microsoft and MTV, and Samsung’s Helix. In addition to the competitive pressures, iPod also faces legal challenges. In France for example, legal enactments that compel firms with proprietary music management software to open their code to others are about to be passed. Such a law will also standardize formats across the industry so that songs from one vendor could be played on a digital player from any other system. Apple has also had to stare down the four largest record labels as far as pricing is concerned. While the four largest record labels preferred variable pricing in order to maximize earnings, Apple successfully argued for the flat 99 cents price which is more competitive (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). The success of Apple illustrates how commitment to the marketing orientation philosophy is useful in ensuring organizational success. Unlike the major record labels which insisted on selling music packaged in CDs, Apple realized that music consumers’ tastes and preferences had shifted in favour of the more convenient digital format, and developed a product around such needs. Through the strategy of product development as identified by the Ansoff Matrix, we see Apple adding on to its product line music videos, popular TV shows, and short movies (Mercer, 1996). Apart from the product, Apple also got other elements of its marketing mix right. In particular, its adoption of the flat $0. 99 price rather than the variable pricing pushed by major record labels ensures that the product remains competitive. Its ability to bundle together its three products the iPod, iTunes and proprietary music software is also a smart marketing gimmick that has enabled it to lock in customers (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). Apple derives its sustainable competitive advantage from its proprietary music software as well as its unique player iPod. By enacting laws that allow Apple’s rivals access to its code, and by standardizing formats across the industry so that songs from other vendors could play from the iPod and vice versa, the new regulations will in essence be eroding the source of the competitive advantage enjoyed by Apple in the digital music industry. For that reason, should the French legislation succeed, it would be better for Apple to pull iTunes out of the French market (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Process of Manufacture of Limestone Essay Example for Free

Process of Manufacture of Limestone Essay calcining limestone process process for calcining limestone encyclopedia a process and apparatus for burning limestone to pebble limestone crusher plant,limestone mining process, limestone limestone crusher plant is used for limestone crushing process whole process plant limestone crusher manufacturers,limestone mining,limestone crusher limestone crusher limestone mining knowledge. caco3 limestone) lime process the manufacture of lime involves the following process: 1. quarrying. limestone at what process is used to extract limestone industry presentee: , hi all to manufacture zircon opacifier of d50=1 the limestone processing plant,limestone is important raw materials for cement industry, impact limestone shibang machinery, mining and processing of limestone typically involves remocopper beneficiation portable plantval of overburden mining and processing various forms of limestone in africa, dimensions of limestone powder the smelting process and the cost of mining and processing of limestone, oh) began a new limestone crushing plant cement manufacture process equipment cement manufacture process 4. 7 (1867 ratings) cement manufacturing process at our process the production process for cement consists of drying, grinding and mixing limestone ultratech concrete cement manufacturing process | cement manufacture of cement:dust collector for jaw crusher for mining portland cements are-process | fpaci simple flow chart for cement-manufacturing-process cement-1-manufacturing-process-l.jpg éˆ ¥Ã¦  ·ement manufacturing process the limestone mining and processing in kenya-minerals processing plant processing plant iron ore beneficiation plant silver ore processing plant limestone processing plant granite processing plant copper è  ½ore processing plant gypsum processing plant quartz processing plant home mineral beneficiation limestone mining and processing: mining and processiapplication igneous rocks in construction industryng of industrial minerals and chemicals; manufacture and sale of limestone mining, limestone crusher, process limestone , limestone grinding, limestone crushing cement plant slag crushing coal processing construction waste sbm vs else catalog more recommended limestone crusher machinery limestone info limestone mining limestone is a sedimentary and blasting are necessary. the manufacture of quicklime (calcium oxide) and mill in processing limestone. there are two processes from the raw limestglass making chemicals and sand for saleone to final product-crushing process and grinding process. if the raw limestone.87 million. it can process 200t raw limestone to different size final mining of limestone process in jk cement-[mining plant] mining of limestone process in jk cement mining of limestone process in jk cement manufacturing, mainly limestone and clays. a limestone quarry cement process cement process. raw materials industry,cement limestone crusher in india mining industry,manufacture supply cement limestone processing crusher the process of mining and in the manufacture of cement from limestone are. project process to make limestone process to make limestone limestone wikipedia, the free occurring process. the raw materials required are limestone cement: cement-making process kids the materials used in its manufacture are limestone in the form of molding process, it offers greater design and flexibility. limestone mining geography | limestone mining mobile impact crusher station Hydraulic drive crawler crushing screening station

Friday, September 20, 2019

Prescription Drug Abuse Amongst Teenagers Health And Social Care Essay

Prescription Drug Abuse Amongst Teenagers Health And Social Care Essay INTRODUCTION This project is designed to illustrate the effects of prescription and over the counter drug abuse. It will not only show a comparison between the effects of illicit drugs and prescription drugs but it will also serve to show the significance of the prevalence and effects of prescription drug abuse. There is an erroneous belief that because these are medicines, whether prescribed by physicians or over-the-counter, that they are safer, stated by Nora D. Volkow, MD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (Kheun, 2007). Teenagers and young adults have the concept that prescription or over the counter drugs are not harmful even if consumed in extreme doses. This is due to the fact that they are legal and are created and designed by pharmaceutical and medical professionals. This is quite contradictory because it has been noted by researchers (Ford Rivera 2008) that these drugs, when abused have very serious and even fatal consequences. Some of which include increased heart rate, hallucinations and other alterations in mental state. Though not highly publicized, these every day drugs such as Ritalin, OxyContin, Vicodin and Dexedrine can cause all of the aforementioned symptoms (Arkes Iguchi 2008). The effort of research in this area however, does not parallel the gravity of the problem and it has been noted by The International Narcotics Control Board that prescription drugs are about to become as much of a problem as illicit drugs (Zarcosta, 2008). Nevertheless, little or no research has been done in this field of prescription drug abuse and the seriousness of its effects as it relates to teens and young adults. With the research that this subject so rightfully deserves, all vulnerable persons (young persons, parents, teachers and health care providers) should become aware of the following: The types and examples of prescription drugs commonly abused. Ways in which these prescription drugs can be abused. Who is at a higher risk of prescription drug abuse? Signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse. The consequential effects of abusing prescription drugs. Avenues in which one can seek help for this type of drug abuse. This projects intention therefore is to give enlightenment on all these areas, create awareness on the relevant and ubiquitous issue of prescription drug abuse and most importantly research the effects of prescription drug abuse. HYPOTHESIS Abuse of prescription drugs is as hazardous as the use of illicit drugs. RESEARCH DESIGN This research will take on both forms of qualitative and quantitative designs therefore it will be a mixed design. It will be qualitative in order to include statistics about the prevalence of prescription drug abuse. However it will quantitative in order to include reasons and effects of prescription drug abuse on young adults. LITERATURE REVIEW While rates of illicit drug abuse among teens in the Unites States continue to decline, abuse of prescription drugs in this age group is increasing at an alarmingly high rate. Recent anonymous survey results show that the one in every 10 high school seniors had used the painkiller Vicodin in the last year without a doctors orders (Arkes Iguchi,2008 as cited by Johnston, OMalley, Bachmen Schulenberg, 2004). Even though, there is research done on the prevalence, causes and risk factors associated with prescription drug abuse, there is a lack of information on the effects. The aim of this literature review is to provide sufficient information for researchers to conduct further research on the effects on the prescription drug abuse. This literature review will explain the following topic questions: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ How prevalent is prescription drug abuse? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ What are the major causes/reasons of prescription drug abuse? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Who is at a higher risk? How prevalent is prescription drug abuse? The abuse of prescription drugs in the USA is a growing problem. Prescription drug abuse is as prevalent as the abuse of illicit drugs. There has been a significant rise in the nonmedical use of prescription drugs in the US over the past 15 years. In 2004, an estimate of 2.4 million Americans aged 12 years or older initiated prescription opioid abuse within the past year, which exceeded those who were abusing illegal drugs like cocaine ( 1 million) or marijuana ( 2.1 million) ( McCabe, S.E., West, B.T., Morales, M., Cranford, J.A., Boyd, C.J., 2007). The debate as to whether prescription drug abuse is as prevalent as illegal drug abuse is interesting and. The commonly abused prescription drugs are painkillers, sedatives, tranquilizers, opioids and stimulants (Levy, M.S., 2007). In the United States, the abuse of prescription drugs especially opioids is a major health concern. In 2005 a study was carried out and it was found out that approximately 227,000 Americans were abusing and highly dependent on illicit drugs like heroine whereas 1.5 million Americans abused and were highly dependent on prescription opioids (Wu, Li-Tzy, Blazer, D.G., Stitzer, M.L., Patkar, A.A., Blaine, J.D., 2008) Additionally, in 2006, it was established that the nonmedical use of prescription drugs especially pain relievers actually surpassed that of illicit drugs. (Wisley et al)There has also been an alarming increase in the number of deaths associated with accidental overdoses of prescription drugs compared to those of illegal drugs. Statistics state that in 2002 it was established that the number of fatal heroine poisonings increased by 12.4% while shockingly the number of fatal opioid analgesic poisonings increased by 91.2% in the same population (Wunsch, M.J., Nakamoto, K., Be honick, G., William, M., 2009). This information further concretes the fact that there is a drastic increase in prescription drug abuse. Statistics in 2001 reveal that approximately 3 million youths aged 12 to 17 and almost 7 million young adults aged 18 to 25 years had misused prescription drugs in their life-time. (Kelly, B.C., Parsons, J.T., 2007). In conclusion, prescription drug abuse is on an alarming increase amongst the youth. With this increase, come various causes that will influence one to begin abusing prescription drugs. Definitions 1. Prevalence- Existing very commonly 2. Abuse- Use of a drug to get pleasure, or to improve a persons performance of an activity, or because a person cannot stop using it. 3. Dependence- To need something all the time especially in order to continue existing or operating. 4. Prescription drugs- Also known as over-the-counter drugs. What are the major causes/reasons of prescription drug abuse? With the way you are brought up and other environments, one develops values that in turn influence personal choices. Even though most illegal drugs are easy to access (Califano, 2002 as cited by Finley, 2007), an increasing number of youth prefer to use prescription drugs for non-medicinal purposes. In an article by Youth Trade, 2005 (cited by Finley, 2007) Students in high schools and colleges are having pharming parties, where they shift responsibility for bringing the prescription drugs. This in-turn makes them appear cool and up-to-date with the times as another teen had explained once her school mates found out that she had prescription drugs. Some opt to use prescription drugs out of boredom, often times along with illegal drugs, with others choosing to use Ritalin as a stimulant because it works like caffeine. Others actually believe that since prescriptions drugs are safe to use under prescription, then it must be safe for them without doctors orders. In the case study by Finley (2007) as stated by Birhanemaskel (2005) prescription drugs do not have the give-away smell as marijuana, yet give the same effects; more youth prefer prescription drugs to get high. This thought is generally upheld by girls making them less prone to use marijuana. Also young females prefer to use prescription drugs because of the expectation that they would help them slim down thus fitting in better with the other girls (Monarch Avalon, 2005 as cited by Finley, 2007). In a study (Lankenau et al., 2007), participants gave stories of how their first experiences of non-medicinal use of prescription drugs. One man mentioned that his first prescription drug was Ritalin which he used to help him stay up so he could be able to study. He would then use Xanax to help him get to sleep. This all helped keep balance of his school, athletics and social life. Another student mentioned that he began using prescription drugs to get the same feeling of a heroin high by taking 2 Xanax pills and alcohol simultaneously when he was curbing his heroin addiction. Also, some admitted to using Adderall as they were cheap; each pill was about $0.90. Finley (2007) also suggested that having parents that use prescription drugs to help them get up in the morning could also encourage teenagers to recreationally use prescription drugs. By parents allowing teenagers to take cough syrups, for instance, and not inquire about shows ignorance and leniency which leaves the teenager t o believe there is nothing wrong with misuse of prescription drug abuse (Gavin, 2004). Even with these significant causes, some youth are at more attracted to prescription drugs than others. Who is at a higher risk? Teens themselves being very vulnerable to prescription drug abuse have certain factors which could put them at an even higher risk. These include teens: 1. A history substance abuse. The quest for more pleasure, diminished anxiety, the relaxation of time, quickening of insight, deepening mythic awareness are the major reasons why teens repeatedly use substances like illicit drugs and alcohol and before they realize, they get addicted. It becomes nearly impossible for them to live without getting high or feeling highly ecstatic. The addiction rises to an extent that they start to engage in illegal activities to obtain these substances. However, now they have found a new legal way to do this. As stated, prescription drugs are much easier to obtain and less expensive than other substances. Teens with a history of substance abuse use this as an advantage and now they have an easier means to get high. The annual study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, conducted by the University of Michigan, showed as many as one in every 14 high school seniors said they used cold medicine fairly recently to get high. A student, during a study that included an in-depth interview conducted by Lankenau, S.E. said, [My mother] used to get a whole lot of [OxyContin] and she would just bring them home and Id see it all laid out. You take 20 milligrams and its like dope [heroin]. Its really like dope. 2. With Adverse childhood experiences. Adverse Childhood experiences are common and destructive. It includes abuse (physical, mental or sexual), neglect, domestic violence and other forms of serious and interrelated household dysfunction. They can determine the health and well-being of a person. The associated problems are painful to recognize and difficult to cope with. The study by Anda, R.A shows a direct relationship between adverse childhood experiences and prescription drug abuse. Teens with adverse childhood experiences may have feelings of helplessness, chaos, and impermanence and may have problems self-regulating affective states. Thus, prescription drug abuse may serve as an avenue to escape or dissociate from the immediate emotional pain, anxiety, anger that likely accompany such experiences. 3. Homeless youth. A common stereotype of the homeless population is that they are all alcoholics or drug abusers. The truth is that a high percentage of homeless people do struggle with substance abuse but addictions should be viewed as illnesses and require a great deal of treatment, counseling and support to overcome. Substance abuse is both a cause and a result of homelessness, often arising after people lose their housing. (Substance abuse and homelessness, July 2009). People who are homeless often turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their situations. They use substances in an attempt to attain temporary relief from their problems. With the increasing use/prevalence of prescription drug abuse over other substances, the homeless population is also starting to use more prescription drugs. Lankenau, S.E. and Sander, B proved a high percentage of prescription drug abuse among the homeless from their studies. In conclusion, there is a large number of youth abusing prescription drugs for various reasons. This number is rapidly increasing especially amongst the sample age with the major causes and risk factor highlighted above. The easy accessibility, inexpensiveness and the belief that prescription drugs are safe to use has resulted in the youth change their usual use of illicit drug to prescription drug as their means to get high, to fit in and in their struggle to balance their social and academic life . Even though, the youth themselves are a very prone population for prescription drug abuse, there are certain risk factors which make them more vulnerable. This includes a history of substance abuse, adverse childhood experiences and the homeless youth. Researchers around the world should consider the severity of this prevalence and its serious consequences. Further research needs to be conducted on the effects and ways to control and prevent prescription drug abuse. DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT The following are the data gathering instruments that will be utilized in this project. Questionnaires: This will be a combined questionnaire which will contain a series of thirty (30) close ended and open ended questions. The questionnaire will be of a structured non disguised format in which the respondent will be informed of the purpose of collecting the information. The data will then be quantified. Interviews: These will consist of personal interviews which are discussions between an interviewer and an interviewee in order to obtain in-depth information about a particular issue or research question. The interviews will take the unstructured format. Focus Groups: This involves a group of participants who share their thoughts ideas and feelings on a specific topic. Hence the parents/guardians and the youth will be allowed this time to express themselves. Observations: This is a research method used to give an objective view on the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the participants. Hence the interviewees will be observed by this method. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE Surveying: The questionnaire will be distributed randomly to various educational institutions. The actual distribution of the questionnaires within the schools will be done by the school administration. They will have approximately one week to administer and collect all questionnaires which will then be collected by the relevant authorities. Interviews: Private interviews will be held with patients of selected Drug Addiction Rehab Centers at the center itself. Focus Groups: This will be held with the parents/guardians and health care providers of the patients. Observations: While they are interviewed the same patients will be observed by well reputed psychiatrists/psychologist through a one way mirror. Also the behaviors of the patients will be observed for approximately two weeks by the same psychiatrists/psychologists. APPROPRIATE SAMPLING TECHNIQUE In this project random sampling will be utilized. Six rehabilitation centers for substance abusers will be randomly selected. Sixteen individuals (eight males and eight females) within the age group of thirteen to eighteen (13-18) and sixteen individuals (eight males and eight females) within the age group of eighteen to twenty five (18-25) will be utilized. Eight schools will be randomly selected in which one hundred and sixty questionnaires will be distributed. Eighty will be distributed to students within the age group of 12-15 ( forty for females and forty for males). The remaining eighty will be distributed to students between the age group of 16-18(forty for females and forty for males). ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS With each research, there are several ethical considerations. The following is a list of the ethical concerns considered in this study: Before an individual becomes a participant, he/she will be fully informed of the aims, methods, harms, and benefits of the research: Each participant has the right to be fully informed about the research project in which he/she will be potentially participating, so that he/she has a full understanding of the project. If participants experiences any harm during the study, however, he/she will be compensated. The individual has the right of voluntary participation. Individuals will not be coerced to participate in the research project as participation will be strictly voluntary. This includes bribery offers, threatening or any kind of direct/ indirect pressures. He/she has the right to terminate his/her participation at any time. Participants will not be forced to continue with the project if he/she chooses to end his/her participation, neither will he/she be chastise for not continuing with the project. If the reason for terminating his/her is due to physical or psychological harm, participants will be compensated. The confidentiality of his/her responses. The information gathered will not be made available to any persons who are not directly involved in study. All the information will be kept in a vault in which only the primary investigator will know the combination. He/she remains anonymous throughout research: Participants will not be required to place their names on the questionnaires and if it is done, the questionnaire will be disregarded. The teenager will not be allowed to participate without his/her parents consent. Any youth who is under twenty one (21) will not be interviewed unless there is written consent from his/her parent. ANTICIPATED RESULTS The anticipated results of this research proposal are as follows: There will be a higher than expected prevalence of prescription drug abuse. It is just as easy to get addicted to prescription drugs as it is to get addicted to illicit drugs. The effects of prescription drug abuse can be as detrimental as the effects of illicit drug abuse. CONCLUSION The research project was aimed to discover the effects of prescription drug abuse and incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative method consisted of questionnaires while the qualitative consisted of focus groups, interviews and observation methods. The sample would consist of students between the ages 13-18 and patients of rehabilitation centers ages 18-25. The delimitations of the project were the number of schools, the number of rehabilitation centers and the number of individuals from which information would be gathered. It would serve to bridge the gap of the insufficient research on the effects of prescription drug abuse and also as an informative tool to the society.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Antigone: A Woman Who Believes In The Power Of Women :: essays research papers

A Woman Who Believes In The Power of Women Scene I: The Trial Introduction At the law firm of Theban Associates, one of the lead partners is Antigone, she is a hard worker whose intentions usually consist of reaching a compromise between the government and her client. As a defense attorney, her line of work is quite demanding and difficult since she is a female working in a male dominated world. While being placed in this position, Antigone is able to appreciate how difficult things are for a woman in society, even in today's world. She realizes that regardless of the anti-gender bias laws that have been passed, society still views women as baby-machines and they are constantly degraded and viewed as inferior to man. Antigone's new client, Medea, is responsible for the brutal murder of her two children and of her husband's new bride to be. Although Antigone disagrees with Medea's actions, she takes the case because she feels that it is a way to show the world that even today, in the new millennium, women's actions are still measured harsher than those of men. In other words, Medea claims that she took drastic measures in order to retaliate against her husband for leaving her alone in the world, but it was the only way that she could truly finish him and make everyone think about they way the world is run today. When the case is taken to trial Antigone takes an excessive amount of criticism and beating from her friends and colleagues as well as the media. She is said to be inhuman and her prerogative to why she has chosen to defend this demand woman, Medea is questioned. In addition, her place in society as a prominent "female" attorney is disregarded because her moral and ethical values are questioned. Yet, despite these terrible things, Antigone holds her head up high and walks into the courtroom determined to defend her client as best she could. In this courtroom it is inexplicable to anyone how somebody could murder her own children to teach her husband a lesson, every individual has forgotten their oath and placed their own personal opinion into their work, including Judge Good. Before starting, Antigone turns to the Chorus for moral support. In reply they tell her to do her job as she has in the past, and to remember what is the true reason why she has decided to take this case.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Kate Chopin Gives a Womans Voice to Realism Essay -- essays papers

Kate Chopin Gives a Womans Voice to Realism Kate Chopin succeeded in giving a woman's voice to realism. While doing this she sacrificed her career. This seems to be a "higher order of feminism than repeating the story of a woman as victim...Kate Chopin gives her female protagonist the central role, normally reserved for the man, in a meditation on identity and culture, consciousness, and art." (Robinson 3) "The role of woman in the society Chopin creates is of special interest and relevance. (Robinson 6) Introduction to Kate Chopin Before Kate Chopin came onto the writing scene, women had an insignificant role in society. Women never did anything that would cause some sort of controversy. All literature focused around a male main character as well. Most stories being written at the time were about male characters and their stories, not the women. Kate Chopin changed that. Kate Chopin was born Katherine O'Flaherty. She was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1851. Her father was an Irish immigrant and her mother was of French descent. They introduced Kate to music and writing at an early age. (Elements of Literature 481) At nineteen she married Oscar Chopin, who was a French Creole from New Orleans. They had six children together. After her husband's sudden death IN???, she moved back to ST. Louis and began to write. In 1890 she published her first novel. Her stories concerned the life of French Creole in Louisiana and were praised for their accurate portrayal of the French. Her themes are a much more controversial matter: it was the repression of women in Victorian America. This theme was presented in her famous novel The Awakening. (Robinson 15) The Awakening Kate Chopin's most well... ...s. She accomplished her goals, and made a major impact on writing. Kate Chopin influenced many other women writers today. She was "a pioneer of her own time, in her portrayal of women's desires of independence and control of their own sexuality." (Toth 481) Bibliography: 1. Allen, Priscilla. "Old Critics and New: The treatment of Chopin's The Awakening." The Authority of Experience: Essays in Feminist Criticism, eds. Arlyn Diamond and Lee R. Edwards. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1997. 2. Chopin, Kate. "A Pair of Silk Stockings" Elements of Literature. Orlando, Florida: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., 1993 481-484 3. Moers, Ellen. Literary Women: Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976 4. Q. Arpin, Susan Allen Toth. Elements of Literature, 5th Course. Orlando, Florida: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., 1993

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cultural Assignment

Organizational Communication I struggled with this assignment and I found it very difficult to determine cultural body language movements for the African American culture. However, what I found is over the years the African American culture has blended with the white American culture. There are historical facts regarding slavery and how that impacted the African American culture. Through art, music, and dance the African American’s found their outlet for self expression. Today a lot of black Americans hold onto their own culture through their interactions at church, which includes enthusiastic singing; this is an expression of their culture. It’s quite fascinating and uplifting attending services at an African American congregational church. African American Body language and cultural issues: They carry themselves in a way that exhibits strength. African dance moved north from the south. Families are brought together through food. Soul food – plays an important role in the African American culture and traditionally these foods are high in fat. However, over the years they have tried to remove trans- fats from their diets. African Americans observe ethnic holidays alongside traditional holidays. We now have black history month which focuses on the lives and history of African Americans. They will refer to each other as sister and brother – even though they are not related. It is used as a sign of respect. The salutation â€Å"mam† is also used in some cases as a sign of respect. Families often include extended families living under one roof. Hispanic body language and culture issues: A simple toss of something can be considered insulting. If you need to give something to someone don’t toss it – walk over and hand it to them. Stupid – is considered a huge insult. Gringo – is not an insult – just means foreigner. The hand gestures come here – means you are romantically interested in that person. Hugs and kisses – Hispanic culture is very emotional. Family ties include parent, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and children. Different holidays – Christmas is celebrated on the 24th and the Santa celebration is done on the January, 7th. They don’t celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving. Touching – they will hold hands without thinking about it. Differences between Latin (Hispanic) culture and African American The term â€Å"Hispanic† is used in the United States to describe all people of Latino and Spanish descent. It is a broad ethic classification including individuals who originated from the Dominican Republic, Spain, Puerto Rico, and about 20 to 30 other regions. According to the federal guidelines, Hispanics are classified as white Hispanic or black Hispanic. Our federal government doesn’t recognize Hispanic as a race, only an ethnicity. If you ask a Hispanic child what is your race he/she most often will tell you Spanish, or Hispanic; he/she will very rarely say white. However, the federal guidelines do recognize African American or black as a race. The two cultures are different, yet very similar. They both have extended families who they share their living quarters with even though they are not really related. Hispanics like close quarters; they like touching, hugging, and kissing. It is not uncommon for Spanish woman to hold hands. They are considered to be a very sensual population. African Americans also believe in the extended family concept. I have the benefit of working with both Hispanic and African American individuals and I find through personal experience that Hispanic individuals are very upbeat, friendly, emotional, and very touching. They want to be physically close to the individual with whom they are speaking. In addition, the African American individuals I work with have some of the same cultural characteristics; however, they are a little more reserved. Both cultures are close to family, both treat their mothers with the highest respect, and they both gather around food. Every party no matter how small has an enormous amount of food. And, I believe individuals in both cultures to be hard working and just trying to hold on to some of their individuality and stay true to their heritage.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Dream House Essay

Generally, near the sea, in the coast, the temperature is softer than in the centre of a country, so I would like to live in a house next to the beach, where I can see the sea from the windows, hear the sound of water, enjoy a warm weather and walk on the sand every morning. If the house had a garden I would sow a lot of pine trees because on the one hand they have sweet-smelling and on the other hand they are evergreen trees which keep nice throughout the year. I would enjoy reading and listening to music if I sat in a comfortable swing under the shadow of the trees where also I would sit during the summer nights. My ideal house would be minimalist, without too ornaments and painted in white but with a well-equipped kitchen to try cook better every day. I wouldn’t like to live in an enormous and sumptuous house where you can lose in it, I only want a comfortable, clean and family house, which smell freshly washed clothes and where I feel happy. The house of my dreams. Well, I’m no very strict with the house. I think I would be able to live in whatever kind of flat or house. Now a days I’m well in mine. But if I were a filthy rich man, I would look for a place which were near the sea and the mountains. I love both of them, so I would like to have a house which were in the mountains, but that I could see the beach trough the windows. It would be great. The house should have two floors. In the first one, there should be the living room, the kitchen, a bathroom and my bedroom. In the second one, there should be at less four bedrooms where my children with their families, or some friends, could come when they wanted. It would be great to have a swimming pool, and why not, a helipad where we could park the helicopter of the family, and another one of some friends. That’s my dream. I’ve not achieved it yet, but I’m working in it. Every week I buy a â€Å"bonoloto†. Rent this ideal terraced house in the heart of the golf course in Islantilla. It’s perfectly situated, ten minutes walk from the beach and twenty minutes drive from Portugal and Huelva. It’s a nice house with all conforts. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a spacious living room with chimney for the winter. It has a practical and modern kitchen with new microwave, iron, freezen, cooker and a diswasher for to make the most of your time. The house has big windows and a huge balcony, with confortable furnitures, it’s ideal for eating and sleeping the siesta outside in the summer. The neighbourhood is a luxurious residential area with padel court, swimming pool, gardens and a social club. There is a supermarket near to the house and a shopping center in the area. This place is perfect por walking, footing, hiking and above all golfing. This house is nice for two couples. Sorry no children and no pets and it’s a no- smoking house

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Essay

Aim The aim of this experiment is to show that a reaction doesn’t have always 100% yield by reacting NaHCO3 and HCl and determining the amount of the products to calculate actual yield. Introduction A chemical reaction will be quantitative if one of the reactants is completely consumed. In this experiment sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid start a reaction. The formula of this reaction is below. NaHCO3 + HCl –> NaCl + H2O + CO2 Observations In this experiment, sodium bicarbonate is put in an evaporating dish and some amount of HCl is added in the dish and the reaction started. Bubbles are formed and CO2 gas is produced and the reaction started to make sound. There was also water vapor formed. White NaHCO3 started to turn into a colorless liquid after adding HCl. As the reaction takes place water is started to form. NaCl was dissolved in water, so salty water is heated to obtain NaCl. As the liquid is heated it turned into a yellowish color for a few seconds. Then it started bubbling and water vapor is formed. Raw Data: Trial # Mass of Dish+NaHCO3+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Water+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) 1 64.14 g. 72.16 g. 63.28 g. 2 65.14 g. 72.95 g. 63.91g. Mass of Evaporating Dish + Lid: 62.14 +-0.1 g Processed Data: Trial #1 64.14 – 62.14 = 2 g NaHCO3 72.16 – 62.14 = 10.02 g NaCl + H2O 63.28 – 62.14 = 1.14 g NaCl Trial # 2 65.14 – 62.14 = 3 g NaHCO3 72.95 – 62.14 = 10.81 g NaCl + H2O 63.91 – 62.14 = 2.07 g NaCl Trial # Mass of NaHCO3 (g) Mass of NaCl + H2O (g) Mass of NaCl (g) 1 2 g 10.02 g 1.14 g 2 3 g 10.81 g 1.77g Calculations Na: 14.01 g/mol, H: 1.01 g/mol, Cl: 35.45 g/mol, O: 16 g/mol, C: 12.01 g/mol NaCl= 49.46 g/mol H2O= 18.02 g/mol NaHCO3: 75.03 g/mol Mole number of NaHCO3 = mole number of NaCl Trial #1 2 / 73.03 = 0.0274 mol NaHCO3 1.14 / 49.46 = 0.0230 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0274 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0230 / 0.0274 = 0.8394 x 100 = 83.94% Trial #2 3 / 73.03 = 0.0411 mol NaHCO3 1.77 / 49.46 = 0.0358 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0411 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0358 / 0.0411 = 0.8710 x 100 = 87.10% Conclusion The results are 83.94% for trial #1 and 87.10% for trial #2. Trial #2 is more accurate. The accepted value is 100%. The percentage errors are 16.06% for trial #1 and 12.90% for trial #2. The uncertainties are too small to calculate on the results. Random errors presented in this experiment. All the errors were done by human beings. There weren’t any errors due to a flaw of a machine or the procedure. Evaluation When salty water is heated on the first trial, the substance started to spill around, because the substance is heated with high amount of heat and faster than it should be. As a result, some of the NaCl which stuck on the lid and spilled around was lost, so the result of the first experiment is not accurate. Other reasons that changed the results may be all NaHCO3 may not be dissolved. Too much HCl may be added on the dish. There may be still water molecules left on the salt after heating. To get more accurate results, the experiment should be done more slowly than this experiment. Especially the heating process should be done slowly, so the evaporation can be observed more carefully.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pandora Case Analysis Essay

Abstract Pandora provides personalized Internet radio stations to its customers. Pandora provides this customized radio free of charge to its users. In combination with other business models, Pandora has successfully implemented the freemium business model in which 99% of its users receive a free service and 1% of the users pay for premium services. This business model is not appropriate for every type of business but can be profitable for some types of businesses with a planned implementation process and a clear understanding of customer values. Analyzing the success of Pandora provides information on the necessary requirements in order for business to earn a profit using the freemium business model. Pandora Case Analysis Pandora offers an Internet radio service, which tailors the music played, based on user preference. Pandora began as a free service to its consumers, while they found a way to earn a profit. Pandora utilized several different business models before implementing the freemium model. The freemium business model provides free services to 99% of the customers and expects 1% of the customers to pay a fee for premium services (Laudon & Traver, 2011). This business model can be very effective and profitable for certain types of business when managed correctly. Analyzing Pandora’s successful use of the model provides insight on which conditions need to be present in order for the freemium business model to be effective and profitable. The freemium business model is appropriate to use when the product or service is widely available and there are low variable costs in providing the product or service to each customer. It is also important that the business takes into consideration the timing of implementation and understands their customer’s values. History of Pandora The foundation of Pandora began with the creation of the Music Genome Project in 2000 and the service officially launched in 2005 (Westegren, 2009). Pandora’s founder Tim Westegren set out to create an on-line radio  station that categorizes music based on 400 different attributes such as melody, rhythm, instrumentation and harmony (Westegren, 2009). In order to accomplish this task, Westegren hired musical analysts who listened to music and created a database which links songs together based on similarity of those attributes (Shelly, 2009). This database provides the foundation for users to log into Pandora and enter an artist or a song that they want to hear. The search is a â€Å"seed† and the database creates a station based on the features of the song entered on the search. The station contains artists and songs that are similar to the search, but does not actually play the exact song or artist entered (Shelly, 2009). Pandora is interactive as users provide feedb ack to the database by giving a song thumbs up, thumbs down, or skip the song entirely (Shelly, 2009). The more the user listens to Pandora, the better the system understands their preferences (Shelly, 2009). In other words, by frequently interacting with the database, users receive a more customized radio station. Pandora Business Models Pandora continues to explore different revenue building business models in order to maximize monetization. These models include monthly subscription fees, advertising, contracting with on-line retailers and the freemium business model. When Pandora launched in 2005, their first business model was to provide 10 hours of free music and then require users to pay a monthly fee of $36. Pandora found that users listened to their 10 hours of free music, but were not willing to pay the monthly subscription fee (Laudon & Traver, 2011). When this subscription model failed to produce a profit, Pandora modified the model and provided 40 hours of free music for a month and after those hours were used, customers could either pay $.99 per song, sign up for the premium service, or do neither of these and not hear any more music (Laudon & Traver, 2011). Even with this modification, Pandora struggled to earn a profit. Pandora continued to improve their business model by adding advertisements to the site and radio stations. At the time, Pandora had almost 100,000 users; so many companies were willing to pay for advertisements on the site (Laudon & Traver, 2011). While the advertisements helped Pandora financially, it was still not enough to make a profit. Pandora then started  contracting with Amazon and other on-line retailers and included an option for users to purchase songs. Users can click the â€Å"buy† button, which redirects them to the retailer’s website. Pandora receives a fee for providing business to the retailer (Laudon & Traver, 2011). In addition, Pandora began contracting with Apple allowing users to listen to music on their iPhones (Laudon & Traver, 2011). The current model of Pandora combines advertising, contracts with retailers and the freemium business model. It is common for established businesses to earn a smaller percentage of its revenue from the premium model (Hung, 2010); therefore combining multiple revenue models maximizes monetization. Pandora continues to earn revenue from businesses paying to advertise on the site and through contracts with Amazon and Apple when users purchase music. Pandora implemented the freemium model in which 99% of users receive the service free and 1% of users pay for additional services. Approximately 1% of Pandora users pay $36 per year for premium services, which includes no advertisements and higher quality content (Laudon & Traver, 2011). As Pandora is a popularly used site, that 1% amounts to approximately 500,000 customers paying $36 per year which equates to almost 17 million dollars in revenue. Business Requirements Pandora’s effective use of the freemium business model provides insight on which conditions need to be present in order for the freemium model to be successful including the type of business, timing of implementation, and understanding customer values. The freemium business model is not appropriate for all types of businesses. It is most effective when the business provides a product or service that is widely available, has a customer base of over one million, and the variable cost of providing the free product or service must be low or close to zero (Laudon, & Traver, 2011). Pandora meets both requirements of having a large customer base and low variable costs. Currently, Pandora has approximately 47 million users (Statista, 2012), which is a large audience and exceeds the preference of one million. The cost of Pandora providing the service to one person is close to the cost it takes to provide the service to 47 million people. The variable costs per user are relatively low, as the main cost come from  software to provide Internet radio and the database to create radio stations. Once the software and database are created, they can be used multiple times without adding additional costs. Timing of Implementation Businesses who meet the criteria of having a large enough customer base and low variable costs also need to consider the timing of implementing the freemium model. Customers become accustomed to receiving a free service and expect that services to remain free. Requiring customers to pay for the service may result in the customer no longer being interested in the service. Research shows that waiting at least a year after offering the free service and a month after growth of the free usage slows is the most effective time to move to a fee service (Pauwels & Weiss, 2008). The wait period allows the site to gain popularity and customers to realize the free service’s value (Pauwels & Weiss, 2008). When Pandora first became available, customers were not willing to pay the subscription fees, as they had not yet determined the value of the service. Users listened to their free music until it ran out, and then waited until the next month when the free service was available. As the website gained popularity and customers realized the value of having a personally tailored radio station, they became more willing to subscribe to premium services. Pandora successfully implemented the freemium model almost six years of offering the free service. Customer Values One of Pandora’s strengths is the perceived value of its service to customers. Research shows that the perceived value of free content versus fee content determines if users will choose to pay for the service (Pauwels & Weiss, 2008). Pandora strives to provide each individual user a radio station that only plays their favorite songs. Most businesses fail to customize their products to each individual customer, so Pandora brings a personalized service to the customer (Westegren, 2009). An added benefit to the fee content is no advertising. Most other streaming radio stations and traditional radio stations play many commercials, which can result in listeners changing the station. Pandora’s premium services provide commercial free, advertising free, personalized radio for only $36 per year.  The benefit of the fee content encourages some users to pay the annual subscription. Pandora also allows users to connect with and recommend stations to their friends. This connection with friends through social media can be just as effective as receiving a review from a professional critic (Shelly, 2009). Most people have similar tastes in music as their friends and value their opinions. The personalized customization, no advertising and connection with friends increases customer value resulting in subscribers who are willing to pay for the service. Conclusion Analyzing Pandora’s successful implementation of the freemium business model provides insight on how other businesses can also benefit from this model. The freemium business model is not appropriate for all types of businesses. Two criteria that businesses must have are a large customer base, preferably in the millions, as well as low variable costs of providing a free service to customers (Laudon, & Traver, 2011). Businesses that meet these criteria must also take into consideration the timing of implementing the model and understand customer values. Pandora currently has well over a million active users and relatively low variable costs in providing the service. Reviewing Pandora’s history shows that timing plays an important role. Customers were not willing to pay for the service until they understood the value of the service. Pandora is aware that customers value individual customization and sharing their music with their friends. By offering a service that creates individual radio stations based on the user’s preferences and allowing them to share that music with their friends, has resulted in users who are willing to pay for premium services. Businesses interested in implementing the freemium business model can benefit from analyzing Pandora’s success in the model. References Hung, J. (2010). Economic essentials of online publishing with associated trends and patterns. Publishing Research Quarterly, 26(2), 79-95. doi:10.1007/s12109-010-9158-3. Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2011). E-commerce: business, technology, society (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Pauwels, K., & Weiss, A. (2008). Moving from free to fee: how online firms market to change their business model successfully. Journal of Marketing, 72(3), 14-31. doi:10.1509/jmkg.72.3.14 Shelley, A. (2009). Pandora. Notes, 66(1), 138-142. Statista. (2012). Pandora’s active users from 2009 to 2012 (in millions). Retrieved from Westegren, T. (2009). Tailor your product to 1 million customers. (cover story). Financial Executive, 25(8), 38.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Arnold Palmer Hospital Supply Chain

Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain Case Arnold Palmer Hospital is one of the nations leading hospitals for women and children. It is located in Orlando, Florida, and is apart of a national purchasing group. Even though being apart of the purchasing group has some advantages, there are also many disadvantages. These disadvantages forced the hospital to change its supply chain strategy. After leaving this group the hospital along with several other hospitals from the group formed their own smaller, but still powerful group, Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.The company saved its members $7 million in the first year with two main changes. First, it was structured and staffed to assure that the bulk of the savings associated with its contracting efforts went to its eight members. Second, it struck even better deals with vendors by guaranteeing a committed volume and signing not 1- year deals but 3- to 5- year contracts. There are several issues facing the Arnold Palmer Hospital (APH) that led to the revising of the supply chain strategy.The main reason for the revision of the strategy was because of the frequent changing of products every year by the purchasing group, because of lower cost bidders. Another reason for the change in strategy is the fact that the purchasing group drops products that are familiar or preferred to APH, and stocked products that were not famili ar to the physicians at the hospital. The final reason the case stated that the hospital changed its strategy was because the buying group was not able to negotiate contracts with local manufacturers to secure the best pricing.Because APH left the large purchasing group and formed their own group they were able to save their members $7 million, even though they had an internal cost of $400,000 to run HPA the savings and ability to contract for what the member hospitals really want makes the business a good one. The reason that Arnold Palmer Hospital’s strategy differs from a manufacturing firms strategy is because an effective supply chain strategy in manufacturing focuses on development of new product innovations and efficiency through buyer-vendor collaboration, where-as the approach in a service industry has a slightly different emphasis.Because APH is a service industry it focuses more on the people side of the supply chain. Using the people who actually use the product and taking their input when buying the objects. The alternative to the problem with the purchasing group would be to do exactly what APH did, leave the group. Although instead of forming their own group they could have joined another group in the area. With them forming their own group they can set their own rules, and regulations, and if they had joined another group they would have had to conform to the already set rules and regulations. I believe that the best alternative that they could have chosen was forming their own purchasing group. That way they can do what was best for them, their patients and their employees, and the other hospitals in the group. They can come up with their own rules and regulations, who they wanted their supplies from, and who to negotiate contracts with.

The various forms of market structure Research Paper

The various forms of market structure - Research Paper Example In many cases, there can be the entry of an alike product but the title of the product and the packaging styles would have set the original product a way long higher than the reach of new comers. Ammunition suppliers and nuclear dealers are examples of monopoly in every country. ‘Microsoft’ is the largest name in monopoly of computer science and services. Italian and Indian governments have their monopoly in tobacco products. Mostly all the narcotic drug deals are associated with certain government monopolies. Railways of India and Russia and many high-end road tracks are now monopolies of concerned governments. In all these cases, one perfect seller is found to have the authority to occupy and decide on the sales of the product. Thus it seals the possibility of any competitive entry. Oligopoly is an inter-related marketing system maintained by a group of sellers of the same product or service (ibid: 178). Oligopoly frames a formal agreement among the members of the group in order to regulate the decisions regarding production and supply of product under trade in such way that each member is equally benefited from the market share. This system facilitates clear awareness of each member about what is going around with other members. The strategies and decisions are commonly taken for profit maximization conditions. The oligopoly is formed by high end sellers of the same product; therefore their union restricts the entry of infant sellers in the market. Interdependence, product differentiation and perfect knowledge are added advantages of an oligopoly. Almost all the large enterprises operating for product sales and consumer services are associates of oligopolies. Petroleum products, airlines and telecommunication services are examples of oligopolies. Verizon, AT&T Sprint Nextel, and T-Mobile are cellular giants of American oligopoly. While OPEC is the largest holder of petroleum products,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Clinical Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Clinical Issue - Essay Example ted to determine the level of â€Å"knowledge, attitude, and practice† on Coronary heart disease among females who were receiving outpatient specialist care. The research found that about three percent of the subjects smoked while 40 percent reported illness. A majority of the women identified smoking as a risk factor though only 20 percent thought of post menopause age as a risk factor. The women however reported an average rating of â€Å"knowledge, attitude and practice† at â€Å"55.6 %, 55.1 % and 51.1 % respectively† (Muhamad, Yahya and Yusoff, 2012). Emergence of the disease as a major killer and the level of ignorance on its rate and risk factors among women form the significance of the disease to call for research. The research article therefore relates to the national guidelines through evaluating effectiveness of national guidelines provisions. While the guidelines provides for control measures, the article measures achievements of the provisions (Muhamad, Yahya and Yusoff, 2012; Guidelines, 2011). Muhamad, R., Yahya, R. and Yusoff, H. (2012). Knowledge, attitude and practices on cardiovascular disease among women in North Eastcoast Malaysia. International Journal of Collaborative Research on International Medicine & Public Health. (4.1) 85- 98. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Influence of Employee Voice on Pay Determination Coursework - 1

Influence of Employee Voice on Pay Determination - Coursework Example Marsden(2007,p1) makes use of the concept of a ‘zone of acceptance’ as the core of his article ,in which, to put it in a nutshell, he suggests that employers need to periodically revise the roles and preferences of themselves and of employees as a necessary prerequisite for the process of adaptation through integrative bargaining, which deals with reaching in agreements to increase the size of the pie. The article discusses the ways in which collective employee voice can enable individual level integrative negotiations in the jurisdiction of non-codified elements of employment conditions that he calls ‘psychological contracts’, quoting Denise Rousseau(1995). The ‘zone of acceptance’ decides the range of tasks that employees are prepared to perform and their time periods. However, to keep up with changing production and market requirements, organizations need to revise the boundaries of this zone periodically, with employee consent, if the organi zation has to survive. This is accomplished by communication with the employees and revising their beliefs and expectations contained in the ‘psychological contract’. The relationship of employment contains both psychological and economic constituents. According to the mutual interests of the parties involved, its contractual form is chosen from among a range of alternative ways of organizing transactions. Its economic basis defines the individual voice as well as collective employee voice which form the basis for renegotiating and inducing changes in the boundaries of the ‘zone of acceptance’. Marsden(2007,p1) cites Ram et al(2001) to suggest that a negotiated order of varying degrees governs the workplace. Performance management in the British public sector and private sector organisations combines employee goal-setting and appraisal to performance related determination of pay. Marsden (2007) seeks to extend the range of voice mechanisms employers choose and tries to find out the reasons as to why employers choose a particular voice mechanism over others by  analyzing the individual-level renegotiation of the zone of acceptance as a form of integrative bargaining, whose quality decides its outcome.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

An introduction for the germination experiment Lab Report

An introduction for the germination experiment - Lab Report Example Seed germination process is comprised of several steps. First, the seed absorbs water from the surrounding environment through osmosis. Water absorbed activates enzymes, increases the rate of respiration and leads to duplication of plant cells. Secondly, the chemical energy stored as starch is converted to sugar and serves the embryo as food during the process of germination. The embryo is nourished and enlarged resulting in seed coat burst. Lastly, a root tip known as the radicle emerges from the seed and grows downwards to anchor the seed. The radicle enables the embryo to absorb water and minerals from the soil (Jirage 1). A study on the effects of treatment on seed germination will be carried out as a laboratory experiment. The experiment will involve a non-dominant maize seed and a treatment acid. The experiment will comprise three setups. The first set-up will involve low level of the acid and the second will contain high levels of the acid. The third set-up will be a control- experiment that will not involve any treatment. Pre-treating with an appropriate concentration of Gibberellic acid (hormone G A3) plays an import role in the induction of tolerance to salinity. Additionally, it helps the seed overcome the environmental stress, such as osmotic effects, nutritional imbalance and ionic toxicity. This can be achieved through strong root and shoot length that gives a response to salt stress (Jamil

Monday, September 9, 2019

Reflective paper The concept of the Dreaming Essay

Reflective paper The concept of the Dreaming - Essay Example It is the commonality tying all Australian indigenous groups and guiding them through all aspects of life. People see it as an embodiment of creation giving meaning to everything. It is said to establish rules that govern relationships between people, land and every existing thing for the aboriginal people. Edward refers to the dreaming as the time that the aboriginal people came to existence (Bingham, 2004). The dreaming is by far the most prominent views and ideals of the indigenous people despite the vast variety amongst the aboriginal people across Australia. Indigenous Australia was and is a multi-cultural society. Although quite a number of groups across the whole of Australia had their own languages distinct from each other also different life styles and dreaming stories, all of them had teachings concerning the natural and spiritual worlds, proper behaviors among themselves and also the laws that would govern the society(Caruana, 2003). There are three waves of migration into Australia. Edward termed the Ocean Negritos first wave’, with Murrayians being the second, and Carpentarians being the third. All the migrated people groups of the people that migrated had a diversified language. The number Aboriginal tongues were estimated to be 6000 in the entire Australia at that time. The diversity came up with different values and faith in the entire Dreaming era. The importance of Dreaming every bit of life forces the humans, the land, flora, fauna, the ancestral beings, and natural phenomena is inextricably and eternally connected to every other part (Buist, 2011). There are three key aspects of the dreaming. This includes the spiritual beings, kinships and dreaming stories. As seen earlier despite the differences in the languages or the land, they were born in the aboriginal people had common beliefs on the spiritual beings. They did have kinship systems but were not governed by chiefs or sub-chief as opposed to the case that came

Sunday, September 8, 2019


CHOOSE A COUNTRY (OTHER THAN CANADA) AND AN ISSUE IMPACTING THE HUMAN GEOGRAPHY WITHIN THAT COUNTRY - Essay Example China is among the world’s greatest countries with a high human population. It is a dominant world economy with an increasing GDP, every year. Trade and development are two vital aspects that relate to globalization. It is evident from the GDP growth that China benefits from globalization in diverse aspects. Globalization, as a process, refers to the integration of regional economies, societies and cultures through enhanced networking and communication. Globalization is an aspect promoted by a synergy of socio-cultural, technological and economic aspects. It has social, economic, political and environmental implications on the china population. Globalization has notable social implications on the Chinese population as a vital aspect of human geography. Globalization supports diverse aspects of culture transformation across the country and the globe, as well. Interactions among the Chinese population and other world societies are responsible for diverse exchange of cultural ideas. Socio-cultural changes emanate from exchange and consumption of new products, knowledge about innovative ideas and transformations in lifestyles. Interactions between the Chinese and other world population gradually expose them to diverse thoughts. The Chinese acquire new cultural morals and different practices of life. Universal tendencies such as collaboration in common invention or trade system and linkages have extensive socio-cultural implications. They empower societies and people through improved understanding of the complexities of their relationships. Information sharing across the global society constitutes a central aspect of globalization. Global networks are forums for communities to share their experience, for instance. Networks may include professional platforms or forums for information exchanges. As the Chinese population interacts with the global society, they share experiences through global networks. This promotes a

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Teaching Children with Dyslexia in Mainstream Schools Essay

Teaching Children with Dyslexia in Mainstream Schools - Essay Example A dyslexic child may gain competency over reading after much struggle in elementary school; but once he goes into high school, he may start facing trouble learning a second language. He may have learnt basic arithmetic after putting in effort; but as he goes into higher grades, he may start having problems with algebra. Hence, the context and level of dyslexia changes as the child grows older. Dyslexia, in short, means that the child will have difficulty reading as fast as his peers, and will also find it hard to comprehend. When dyslexia was not discovered, this disease would go unnoticed, because most of the children in olden times would discontinue their education before they went into high schools. But in today’s modern world, dyslexia is quickly diagnosed when a child is seen not to be coming at par with his peers in showing strong literacy skills in academic performance and standardized tests, when all students are expected to perform at least an average. Today, a child with dyslexia quickly lags behind in his class, converting the â€Å"learning difference† of olden times into â€Å"a learning disability† (Swarbrick & Marshall, 2004:4). ... These problems can hinder reading skills in all children who are not even dyslexic, but cannot develop dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability that occurs when brain shows faulty or slowed down processing of information (Hartas, 2006:11). Still, it cannot be considered as a mental disorder. Hodge (2006, para.6) states that, â€Å"Of particular importance is an understanding of the problems that poor auditory short term memory can cause, in terms of retaining input from the teacher.† Dyslexic children show certain problems that are characteristic of this particular learning disability. These problems are associated with language processing barriers, mental processing difficulties, or the competency to imagine successively. To state a few, here are some of the problems that dyslexic children face in mainstream schools: They face difficulty in understanding phonics, like finding it hard to split apart and understanding little units of sound. For example, they will have to struggle wit h understanding that â€Å"cap† comprises of sounds of /c/, /a/, and /p/. They do not remember words, like names of items shown to them. Their vocal answer to visual stimulus is delayed because of not being able to store information in short-term memory. They show reduced digit span, like not being able to remember a short list of numbers. They find it difficult to organize things in order. They show poor visual perception, like confusing /b/ with /d/, /n/ with /u/, /p/ with /q/, /bin/ with /nib/, etc. 3. Teaching Strategies for Children with Dyslexia Helping dyslexic children learn and perform in classrooms can be a very challenging task for teachers, because they may confuse their underachievement with

Friday, September 6, 2019

Role of Youth in Pakistani Politics Essay Example for Free

Role of Youth in Pakistani Politics Essay Overview of role of Pakistani youth in Politics If we look at the history of Pakistani politics it has always been dominated by few families and dictators. Common man has suffered at the hands of aristocrats, and among those common men live the young men and women, who are spoken highly of! The history tells us that political parties have always used the the youth to achieve their political targets but looking at the bigger picture, the role of youth in Pakistani politics has always been limited. Never has the true democracy be at the helm thanks to corrupt and substandard political infra-structure. Men with money, or shall we say, the big players have always dominated the political playground. Amid all the hypocrisy, the youth has always been used as political horses. The â€Å"Kings† have used the horses to well effect but never have they empowered the resilient armed men! Like pawns in a chess game, the kings have used the youth to its benefit but never let it express itself. Sighs! In recent times, a hope arose in the shape of Youth Parliament. It created optimism, a fresh wave of breath. Young intellectuals were given importance, and it seemed finally Pakistan was on the verge of revolution. An in-house revolution, that would change the face of Pakistan on the political front. But the house never realized its potential. It was suppressed under the might of the wealthy parliamentarians. Quaid-e-Azams vision of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam saw youth as a major asset for the newly created state i.e. Pakistan and repeatedly emphasized the role of youth in Pakistani politics. He believed, youth was vital ingredient to take the country forward. His sayings reflect that he saw the young men and women as the leaders of the future. â€Å"Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students who have always been in the forefront in the hour of trial and need. You are the nation’s leaders of tomorrow and you must fully equip yourself by discipline, education and training for the arduous task lying ahead of you. You should realise the magnitude of your responsibility and be ready to bear it.† – Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In the light of his saying, it is a fair assessment that he had a different vision of Pakistan in comparison with what the country has become. Read more:  Current Political Situation of Pakistan Essay He clearly suggested that youth of Pakistan were to be regarded as a major asset. Our current political system is not only sabotaged by the so called â€Å"54 families†, but there is not much hope that the current situation would change in the near future. An allocation of 1.6% of total GDP is a testimony of that! We highlighted the major flaws in the education system of Pakistan, which need immediate addressing! It is critical that the aristocrats of the nation understand the critical need to improve the current political and education situation at federal, provincial, and local levels. It is perhaps the only escape route available to move away from the current economic, socio-cultural, and political crisis. Despite the troublesome situation, there has emerged another ray of hope, the ember had never died. The elections are not far away and every party has started their election campaign. While the only pleasant change in their campaigns this time around is that all the political parties have realized the importance of youth. The political power-houses are targeting them on a very serious note. Imran Khan has been back-rolling his election campaign on the base of youth favored policy and he has to be credited for his policies and thinking differently. Now is the time for youth to take the responsibility and play their role to change the conventional political system in Pakistan. So if we want to bring true revolution in Pakistan then our youth needs to participate and try hard to change this system. We hope that its a start of a new era! A better era!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Socio Economic Network In Zambia Sociology Essay

The Socio Economic Network In Zambia Sociology Essay To set the platform of discussion, it is significant to define the concept of the family and other related notions. Giddens (2006:206) defines the family as a group of persons directly linked by kin connections, the adult members of which assume responsibility of caring for children. A family may either be a nuclear or extended family. A nuclear family comprises of two adults living together in a household with their own or adopted children. On the other hand an extended family is a group consisting of close relatives extending beyond couple and their children living together with the same household or in a close and continuous relationship with one another. In addition, the family is one of the basic units of society whose function and contribution to society cannot be over emphasized. For instance, for a society to survive over time, certain basic needs must be met. New members must be added to the population to replace those members who have died or moved away. People must be clothed, sheltered and fed. Goods and services must be produced and made available to those who need and desire them. The young must be socialised into society. The elderly and the sick must receive care. Order must be maintained and power must be distributed among the members of society (Thomas 1995: 294). However, despite the significant role played by the family in society since its existence, it has not been spared from the changes affecting society. The process of social change has affected the traditional family patterns. Some of these changes have been gradual while some have been radical. On the other hand these changes have either been qualitative or quantitative in nature. The changes have either brought positive or negative effects to the family. Among the significant changes that have markedly influenced the traditional family patterns are those associated with westernisation and modernisation which are closely linked? The process of industrialisation has also been critical to the primary function of the family both in the modern and pre- industrial societies. According to Akuffo (2005:18), he stated that the pre-industrial family consisted of the couple their children, a line of descendants, blood relations is taken seriously, the lived closely and cooperatively and were organized for mutual support and performed economic functions. Thus, the pre-industrial societies system is based on kinship relations for social organisation. The family members had specific roles and responsibilities based on gender and age. For instance the parents played a critical role for the survival of its members. The main economic activity characterized by the traditional family was agriculture. As the name suggests (pre-industrial societies) the tools used for production were very simple. Besides the production of food for the family members, it was the sole responsibility of the parents to educate its members with skills for their survival. The parents also provided the emotional security and protection to the individual members of the family. In short, the fa mily in the pre-industrial societies was for the individuals safety. The family perpetuated the values, norms and beliefs of society through the educating the members within the custody members. On the other hand, the changes that were precipitated by industrialisation had an impact on the traditional family system. Industrialisation can be traced as far back as eighteenth and nineteenth centuries during the industrial revolution that took place in Europe and later spread to America. Giddens (2006:39) observes that industrialisation refers to the emergences of machine production, based on the use of inanimate power resources (like steam or electricity). Significant changes were witnessed during this period that affected human society. Furthermore, Industrialisation created changes in the roles of the family in society. For example in pre-industrial society, the family is the primary social institution. Production and education are the responsibility of the family. The shift of roles from the family threatened the power and control of the parents on the family members. The role of education was assumed by the government. This created high demand for literacy among the population. The individuals were socialised on how they could adapt in the changing society. The change in the education system had both positive and negative influence on the traditional family system. For example, the positive influence, in the industrial society was that it allowed the individuals movement in a social structure. Education provided for the upward social mobility. There was freedom of competition for social position. On the contrary, in pre-industrial societies most statuses are ascribed. This makes it difficult for the individual to work their way up the social ladder. The new education system also undermined some of the values, norms and beliefs of the traditional societies that in themselves contributed to the stability and continuity of society. The other significant changes resulting from industrialisation was the nature of work. In pre-industrial societies, people were not specialised. They are characterized by low levels of division of labour. They conducted similar economic tasks for food production. According to Durkheim, he argued that, traditional cultures, with a low division of labour are characterised by mechanical solidarity. Because most of the members of society are involved in similar occupations, are bound together by common experience and shared beliefs. The forces of industrialisation and urbanisation however, led to a growing division o labour that contributed to the breakdown of this solidarity. (Giddens 2006:14).This development saw a significant change in the production of goods and services. Industrialisation also changes the location of work activities. In pre-industrial societies, most of the economic activities are carried out within the family setting. With the coming of machines, however, productio n moves from the home to factories. This in turn encourages modernisation. This entails that people now moves off the farms and go to cities to be near the major sources of employment. (Thomas 1995:78). Apparently, the change of location of work created a totally different environment for the individual. In the extended family pattern the nature of interaction among members was primary. The members were closely related to each other through kinship relations. This interaction supported the individuals emotional security, protection and other physical and social needs. This change threatened the physiological and social needs enjoyed by the individual within the traditional family setting which increased vulnerability in this new environment. The individual developed new relationships through the neighbours, friends and workmates. The individual depended upon this new system of interaction for support. As a result of industrialization, the social structure and beliefs of society have changed drastically. This is understood that modernization describes the process of change from a traditional, Agrarian Society to a modern Industrial Society. According to Haviland in Abrahim et al (unknown), Modernization defined as an all-encompassing global process of cultural and socio-economic changes, whereby the developing societies seek to acquire some of the characteristics common to industrial Societies. Modernization is the process by which cultures are force to accept traits from outside, and change their original shape. In the course of modernisation, traditional knowledge and techniques give way to the application of scientific knowledge borrowed mainly from the West. Modernisation creates the change in traditions and values due to modern technology. People have to accept this change because the progress is both necessary and beneficial to society and the individual. However, under the impact of modernization today, people almost everywhere are witnessing the breakdown of the traditional extended family into nuclear families. This is not to say that the traditional larger kin groupings have vanished and families function is changed and its a negative impact on family. Every culture has its own family set-up. And modernization is also has an effect on family system and its traditions. Extended families traditions have changed due to modernization. Giddens (2006:905) observes that men often go to work in towns or cities, leaving their family members in the home villages. Alternatively a nuclear family group will move as a unit to the city. In cases, traditional family forms and kinship system may become weakened. This is true in the sense that in the pre-industrial societies roles were shared according to gender and age. For example, grandparents in this situation no longer played their role of providing care to the grand children as they were now separated. On other matters such as marriages, initiation ceremonies and other important rituals which were the sole responsibility of elderly people. All these values and beliefs were affected with these changes. For instance, in the pre-industrial societies, arranged marriages were preferred. The choice of ones life partner rested in the parents and not the individual. This was viewed as one way of strengthening cultural values and norms of particular culture. Therefore, with the development of towns and cities there has been a great shift in the way marriages are conducted and celebrated. This time an individual has the freedom to choose his/her life time partner irrespective of ones cultural background. Today a Lozi can marry a Bemba; a Tonga also may decide to marry an Indian. Marriages are celebrated with modernity as opposed to the traditional way they used to be celebrated. Dalouw Edwards (1997:499) states that among African families in South Africa, traditional values and customs which provided a basis for family structure have been eroded by rapid urbanisation and westernization. The problem has been made worse by the socio-economic hardship and low levels of education.According to the National Child Policy of 2004, there are over 75,000 street children in Zambia, while Child headed households account for an estimated 1-2 percent (about 20,000) of all households in the country. The extreme poverty and vulnerability in Zambia affecting the communities, households and individuals to a greater extent has been due to modernisation resulting in the disintegration and weakening of the extended family system a typical feature of pre-industrial societies. On the other hand, modernisation created employment opportunities for women as well. The idea of women being associated with domestic chores has changed. In the recent years (decades) the idea of the male breadwinner heading the family is being increasingly challenged, an increasing number of women enter the workplaces and family structures continue to diversify. (Giddens 2006:209).This has not just increased the income levels among the households, but it has also undermined the authority and control of the parents over the members of the family. They spend most of the time at work than at home which in itself has a negative effect on the development their childrens personality development Westernisation is also a change that has taken place in disrupting the extended family. The historical context of Westernization in Africa is the encounter with Europe, under the specific conditions of the Atlantic slave trade and the European colonial adventure. Westernisation follows the adoption of different life styles, cultural ways, working styles, organising styles and even behavioural patterns of the western countries particularly (Moonlight, 2009). People will take on the pattern and ways of the western countries and follow them in their working, thinking and living. Majority have keen interest in western styles (dressing, housing, outing and partying etc) and attitudes (professionalism and individualism). Consequently, westernisation in our African societies has an impact to the socio-economic activities. A Zambian family, like families elsewhere, can be thought of as a group which is responsible to reproduce, nurture, and educate the young to become productive members of the family and the society at large. Children are later taken to schools where traditional values and norms are eroded by new values of the west. The new fashions and styles have replaced the traditional aspect of dressing where one imitates what she/he sees or hear on the media. Some of the existing social problems experienced in our societies are as a result of new value. In conclusion, it can be said that industrialisation, westernisation and modernisation had significant influence on the traditional family life patterns. In pre-industrial societies, the main economic activity was agriculture and the family was responsible for the provision of the basic needs to its members. The main concern of the pre-industrial societies was the maintenance of group stability and consensus. This was accomplished through their division of labour.